We want to share God’s love with our community by helping those that need it.
It may be as simple as getting a friendly phone call, or maybe you need someone to get groceries for you, let us know what you needs are so we can help.
Men have a glorious and significant role in God's Larger Story. They also are the target of a special warfare aimed continually and ruthlessly at the center of their being... their masculine hearts.
Throughout the Bible you will find God telling people to wait. It seems like any major event on God's timetable is preceded by a period of waiting. I remember Abraham, Joseph, King Saul, Job and...
Most authors end a biography pretty soon after the death of the person that is being written about. There usually isn't much to say about a person after they are dead, they quit doing things and...
Jesus completed the work required to bring us back into communion with God but Satan doesn't want you to know it or believe it. He wants you to believe that there is something more that you...
The leaders of the Jews had reached their decision long before Jesus was betrayed with the kiss, but the Roman courts didn't even take the charges seriously until after Jesus returned to Pilate for a second...