We want to share God’s love with our community by helping those that need it.
It may be as simple as getting a friendly phone call, or maybe you need someone to get groceries for you, let us know what you needs are so we can help.
Peter failed while he was on trial but thankfully Peter’s failure isn't the end of his story. Peter would be restored and would be filled with the Holy Spirit to give him wisdom and strength to lead the early...
It is easier to betray Jesus than we like to admit When we pretend to know and love the Lord and choose our own way we are betraying the closest friend that we could ever have. If your attitude...
Gardens have a special place in history, in the beginning the first battle with sin was in a beautiful garden where the first Adam failed and now in a garden that is scarred by sin the second Adam steps in...
Jesus never lost sight of his mission and purpose for being here. Imagine knowing that you came for a purpose and having to wait thirty-three years for God's timing so that you can complete your mission...
Jesus gave up a lot to come and be "God with us" but he didn't show any sorrow about what he lost by leaving Heaven. The main source of his sorrow was for the condition of mankind and the fact that His...
Jesus keeps talking about leaving them, where is He going, and why can't they go with Him? They were supposed to be rulers in His kingdom! If He is going to die then how will we see Him again in a little...