
Marriage Retreat 2016


In late-October we had a great time with licensed, Christian counselor Virginia Pignato, she came from Florida to be our featured speaker for our first Marriage Retreat. She helped our participants to recognize their individual temperament tendencies, and then helped couples to recognize the value of the similarities and differences between them. Through various exercises and activities, couples learned how to recognize stress indicators for their partner and how to avoid tension and obtain harmony.

At the conclusion of the weekend, couples observed the Lord’s Supper, prayed for one another, and left with a new understanding of their partner. The weekend provided such valuable information that couples are already requesting that Virginia plan a return trip in the near future.

While the four-session discussions provided the “meat” of the retreat, it was the luxurious accommodations that were the “cherry on top.” For as only God could, He connected the dots that reunited a fellow believer from Alabama and Pastor Buff.


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When Pastor Buff was invited to a Missions Conference in Alabama in early 2016, this man and his wife indicated that they own a vacation home on the Jersey Shore. They generously offered the use of their shore home to the Grace Falls family during the off-season.

We are so thankful for their hospitality that allowed us to be able to provide an affordable Marriage Retreat in a beautiful setting at the beach. Six of our couples were able to take advantage of this valuable, relationship-enhancing opportunity!

The Church Being The Church

1042 Did you know that YOU are the church? Whether you are helping a church plant in North Philly, serving alongside a valuable local ministry like Hope All Day, or being good news with family and friends, this is what BEING the church is all about! It is being a family of missionary servants sent by God wherever He opens doors to go! This has to be our mindset every day because that is the GOSPEL.

One thing is vital for us to always remember as a church plant. Our calling is to help lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. This calling is paramount for us but we must remember a few things as we go and fulfill this calling.

We, the church, can’t assume everyone knows everything about faith and church. We see that everyday here in New Jersey as we talk with our friends, colleagues and neighbors. We, the church, also need to realize that many who don’t have a relationship with God, or had difficulties maintaining one, assume they need to know everything about faith and church in order to participate.

Did you catch that tension…our assumption and others assumption? This is why so many hesitate to walk in the doors of a church building. They let fear…fear of the unknown, fear of not having an answer, fear of being hurt again paralyze them from coming.

We, as Grace Falls, have to work hard to create a safe place for anyone to come and begin to ask questions that they have about God, life, and matters of faith. This safe place is huge to who we are and what God has called us to do.

This happens when we are willing to meet people right where they are and work on listening, and building trust by building a relationship and not a defense case. Not trying to have all the answers or fix every problem life presents us. You can’t do that, I can’t do that, and we can’t do that. This is why we say we are a GOSPEL CENTERED CHURCH. The GOSPEL is the solution to every situation or issue in life. This is why the GOSPEL = GOOD NEWS. So, our goal is simple. We want our Sunday Gathering to be a conversational environment where people can explore faith and experience community.

For this to happen, we must prioritize building relationships over simply handing off answers. Rather than the traditional teacher (preacher) to student (member) format of learning, group members journey alongside one another through a facilitated discussion. Exploring faith and inviting past experiences, current beliefs, and future ideals to be shared and heard.

As we begin to know and be known, we will begin to see we aren’t alone and get a taste of what a real authentic community is. This is when many will come to realize what we mean when we say Grace Falls is a FAMILY. A family that loves, forgives, accepts, encourages, believes, helps, and is there for one another no matter what. A GOSPEL FAMILY changed because of who God is and what He has done. This is my vision, my prayer, and my hope. This is LIFE CHANGING.

I shared all this as a reminder of who we are, why we do what we do, and what we hope to see. I hope this helps you see what you are apart of. I pray it gets you excited to be apart of something bigger than yourself. I pray you see how vital you are and why God did what He did through every story we have read, discussed, and learned from. He did all of it so that He could use you, me, us to help others know Him. Not just know of Him but truly KNOW HIM.

Well you did it…you read through all my words, but I hope you hear my heart. I believe God has great things in store for us. Will you believe with me?

Love you and thank God for you!

Branches On The Vine

vine Our God loves to create, out of nothing He likes to make the most elaborate and complex, out of the dirt He likes to make something that is clean, and out of the old He likes to make things new. Maybe that is why I like yard work, I get to do my part to create something beautiful, it is a partnership with God to get things to grow.

In the Bible our Creator is portrayed as someone who has planted and cultivated a vineyard. In the Old Testament God prepared the soil for His vineyard, He built up walls to keep out the wild animals and to keep people from stealing the fruit, He took great care of it so that it had every advantage and it should have been the most productive and prosperous vine.

But instead of being a beautiful vine that attracted the neighboring nations to God they had become ugly and God was not being glorified by the mess that they had become. After a lot of patient gardening Israel forfeited its right to be the vine, the New Testament message is of God planting a new vine, Jesus comes along and says that He is the True Vine.

John 15:1-8 "I am the true grapevine, and My Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of Mine that doesn't produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in Me.

"Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in Me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in Me and My words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are My true disciples. This brings great glory to My Father.

God is the Master Gardner that tends to the vine, He is looking for two different types of branches, the ones that bear fruit and those that don't, both types of branches are going to get the knife:

He cuts off every branch of Mine that doesn't produce fruit

Bible theologian John MacArthur says that the first branch that didn't bear fruit was Judas. He was close to Jesus and he played along like he was a fruitful branch but he proved to be a phony. The branches that are being cut and thrown into the fire were never Christ followers.

John 13:10-11 “A person who has bathed all over does not need to wash, except for the feet, to be entirely clean. And you disciples are clean, but not all of you.” For Jesus knew who would betray him. That is what he meant when he said, “Not all of you are clean.”

Anybody can put some effort into changing the outside and fool their friends just like Judas' eleven friends that were clueless about his true character. I can follow the rules and do what is expected of a Christ follower for long enough to fool anybody, but real transformation comes from the heart where your friends have a hard time seeing.

Eventually the fruitless branches are identified, they cannot hide forever before they are found out and they are removed. God doesn't allow these branches to keep hanging around because they destroy the reputation of the church and they take away from His glory.

He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more

The last words you want to hear from the doctor is "we need to operate." That is the news that the Great Physician has for you, He wants to improve your fruit production. In order for us to operate at maximum fruit-bearing capacity God needs to cut off our sins, our habits and attitudes that slow down the production of fruit.

Hebrews 12:10-11 For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.

God's discipline is to bring us along a little at a time toward being holy. Sanctification is the church word for the process of being made holy and set apart for God. To live attached to the vine is a life of dependence, exercising faith and becoming more like Jesus, His nature will grow in us and take over the controls.

Jesus is our only connection with God, the only means that we are saved and the only hope we have of living eternally with God. When we are joined to the vine, we are united with Jesus in all our interests, we have common desires, we are delighted in the things that He loves and we hate the things that He hates, we are willing to endure the same trials, contempt and persecution that He bore.

When you produce much fruit you are My true disciples

Every believer bears fruit but not all of them bear "much fruit." Some branches have a relationship with Jesus and they are a part of the true vine but they are not know by their abundance of fruit. The fruit of the Spirit is in short supply and production needs to be increased.


Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

God never changes, He is still using the same tool that He has always used to prune His vine, He uses the knife of His Word to get rid of the impurities that will hold up fruit production. He takes off the old blooms, the shoots that are going the wrong way and the parasites.

The Gardner's knife causes us much pain, sometimes we wonder why some things have to be cut away and we resist, we don't like it or understand everything that the Gardner cuts off. Sometimes I have to wonder if I really need so much attention from the Gardener and if He really knows what He is doing.

I must trust that He has great things in store and He wants me to be the most productive and beautiful branch that I can be so that He will be glorified. The beauty of His Vine will attract the neighbors and bring much glory to Him.

The world has some interesting vines that can get me tangled up. Their vine may be their bank account, their education, fame, talents or relationships. Many people plant a vine of religion and rules, but none of these can bear fruit, the True Vine is Jesus and you need to be attached.

Relationships Are Everything

5066527221_a0da31642aThis Sunday morning there are a lot of good things going on and there are a lot of jobs that we need to fill but as important as those jobs are none of them are more important than people. Serving people is what the jobs that we want you to fill are all about. If all of us take a task, it will be easy for us to have plenty of time to connect and build relationships with folks. So keep this in mind and I want you to consider these thoughts as we pray and prepare for the weekend.

Have you ever sat in discussions and found it incredibly difficult to get a good conversation going? I've found it can be very challenging to move conversations along, especially when you're trying to get to know someone. Here are a few principles that might help.

Listen to Their Story

In order to promote good gospel conversations in small gatherings, it is important that everyone listens to one another's story well. Don't check out, criticize, or think about your own story but take the time to listen to their story. Our lives are continually changed through conflict, challenges, promotions, relationships, and new experiences. Without asking good questions of one another, we can’t really share in deep community. Good questions help uncover the truth about how people are really doing and open the opportunity to share life and truth together. Ask questions and genuinely listen to one another's stories.

Ask Good Questions

Here are some questions that are great at moving a conversation forward:

[columns] [column width="one-half"] Can you elaborate on that? How did that happen? How does that make you feel? Did you feel alone or supported? [/column] [column width="one-half"] Were you afraid or confident? How did you respond? How are you feeling now? What concerns you the most about this? [/column] [/columns]

Listen in Order to Speak Gospel Encouragement

What does that mean? I am glad that you asked. Based on their story and what you heard or learned:

1 - What grace can you affirm in their life? "That’s a really helpful insight." "It’s been so challenging to hear you talk about your neighbor/co worker or that situation…"

2 - What victory can you celebrate? "Wow that's amazing. I've seen God do something similar in my life…" "Isn't it awesome how God provided this job for you?"

3 - What progress can you see or identify in their faith journey? "You are fighting depression really well" "I’ve really seen you grow in this area"

​You see we believe that the Gospel (Good News) is the answer for everything. It is why we exists and it is our only hope. The goal for you and I is to not only see that reality in our own lives but also being able to see it and speak it into the lives of others.

This is what we want to do Sunday and everyday. Hear one another's stories and be able to recognize who God is and what He has done and is doing. This helps us discover who we are and shapes what we do.

​I hope this helps you not only this weekend but every day. You never know the opportunity God might give you today to bring GOOD NEWS to someone who desperately needs it.