Amazing Faith - Practical Teaching


Matthew 7:24-27  "Anyone who listens to My teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock."

"Though the rain comes in torrents and the flood waters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse because it is built on bedrock."

"But anyone who hears My teaching and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand.  When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash."

Jesus was surrounded by the crowds that came to hear him teach, they probably didn't realize that they were in for a long sermon that day, he taught about the lifestyle of those that follow him. Some of the things that he told them in this famous sermon was that they should be meek and humble, they should store up treasure in heaven and love their enemies. The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus saying that if you had big faith then this is how you would live.

Jesus ended the sermon with a parable, he told the crowd that "anyone who listens to My teaching and follows it is wise," he didn't want his audience to just know more he wanted them to do something with what they learned.

It’s one thing to know a lot about weightlifting and another thing to actually lift weights. It’s one thing to know a lot about nutrition and another thing to eat healthy. You can have every book on nutrition and weight loss, you can have a bunch of gym memberships, you can have the best looking work-out clothes but it isn't helping you one bit if you don't apply it to your life.

The Religious leaders of Jesus day proved that knowledge can easily puff up your ego and you can overlook the fact that the things that you know need to be put into action. It’s one thing to know a lot about the Bible and another thing to actually live out what it teaches.

Luke 11:28 Jesus replied, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice."

That’s why the Christian life isn’t just about knowledge. It’s when our acts of faith intersect with God’s faithfulness that our faith grows. From Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish builders, we discover that hearing and learning are not enough. There has to be application because it’s obedience that makes all the difference.

James 1:22-25 But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don't obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.

The Sermon on the Mount is a great big list of things to do but there isn't any value in knowing all these things if you are not going to apply them and put them into action. Being in church every Sunday doesn't have any value if it doesn't affect the way that you live.

I shouldn't just read the Bible to know more, I need to study the Bible and look for practical application. If I go to the church and see myself in the mirror of God's word and then I walk away and ignore what I saw then I am just wasting my time and I could have stayed in bed.

Help me Lord to apply and live out what I know about you and your will for my life. I want to build my faith on a rock solid foundation.

What is it that God is teaching you that challenges you or pushes you? Is there something we have discussed at the gathering that has caused you tension? That tension is the Holy Spirit challenging you to trust and act.

As a gospel community we are here to help each other apply the most challenging teaching to our daily life. When we do that we will see our faith grow as well as our community change!

Amazing Faith


Matthew 8:8-10 But the officer said, "Lord, I am not worthy to have You come into my home. Just say the word from where You are, and my servant will be healed. I know this because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers. I only need to say, 'Go,' and they go, or 'Come,' and they come. And if I say to my slaves, 'Do this,' they do it."

When Jesus heard this, He was amazed. Turning to those who were following Him, He said, "I tell you the truth, I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel!

Have you ever seen somebody step out in faith in a big way and you thought to yourself "are they crazy?" A lot of times people with incredible faith are viewed as clueless, people wonder if they have considered all of the information about their situation. We even try and reason with them about what they are doing and try to make them have less faith.

Jesus was approached by a Roman army officer about coming to his home to heal his daughter. Jesus was happy to continue traveling across town to the man's home but the officer refused to bother Jesus with the extra effort. The centurion told Jesus that as an officer he has the authority to make things happen, he must have believed that Jesus also had authority to make things happen, he also believed that Jesus could speak the word and the healing would take place without even seeing his daughter.

A Lot Of People Were Amazed By Jesus

The shepherds were amazed by Jesus when they visited his place of birth, John the Baptist was amazed that Jesus asked to be baptized, hundreds of people were amazed that they were healed and there are plenty of scriptures that tell us that the crowds were amazed at his teaching.

But we need to realize that it isn't enough to find Jesus amazing, there are plenty of amazing people in the history books, we need to dig deeper and see how he is more amazing than any other man. The question is what will you do about this amazing person? Will you have faith in his promises? Will you trust him with everything?

The Man That Amazed Jesus

Jesus was amazed by this guy, wouldn't it be cool to have someone say that about you? This guy deserved to get a t-shirt that says "I amazed Jesus." If you want to impress Jesus you won't do it with knowledge and it wasn't obedience, the only thing that is recorded in the Bible that amazed Jesus was big faith. Jesus wasn't amazed when people did the right thing and refused to sin and he didn't get excited that somebody kept a long list of rules. He is interested in our belief that he is trustworthy.

There are incredible displays of faith recorded in the Bible that are much bigger than the faith that the average church member in the United States seems to have. What would our lives look like if we really had big faith? Can you imagine how it would affect our church family?

I cannot wait to see how God will grow our faith at Grace Falls Church. I am anxious to hear about the things that you have experienced that have caused your faith in God to grow.

Join us for the next five weeks as we look at the things that God uses to grow our faith.

Celebrating Two Years

It is hard to believe that it has been two years since we left the comforts and familiarity of our family and friends to be on mission in New Jersey. On one hand, it seems like it was just yesterday, but on the other hand it seems like an eternity. I can honestly say for all of our team that it wasn’t at all what we expected, but it has been absolutely life changing for all of us.

We have witnessed the power of God move in so many incredible ways among us. We have seen God for who He is and what He has done in many up close and personal ways. We have seen Him as:

Jehovah Jireh – The Lord will Provide.

It seems like every time we needed something, God has, and does, provide in ways we could never expect. God has entrusted to us prayer warriors, finances, resources, relationships, encouragement, help, vision, hope, wisdom, and even obstacles... and the list could go on. We have learned that God is our sole provider and there is nothing we need, because we have Him and in Him is all we need!

Jehovah Shammah – The Lord Is There.

We must be honest and say that leaving all we knew and were comfortable with was much harder than we ever expected. We, even today, miss the ‘everyday connection’ with those we love and got to do life with in Tampa. Yet, God has not and never does abandon His children. He has been and is there with us every step of the way. We have just learned the value of looking to Him and not others and other things to find that peace. This is a constant learning journey but God is there guiding us daily.

El Shaddai – Lord God Almighty.

God’s power has been on display in so many ways throughout this journey and we have the privilege of getting a front row seat to see God show up and show off. We are constantly reminded of the words of Jesus in the book of John where He said, “apart from Me you can do NOTHING.” Our best efforts aren’t enough to move the hearts of folks and build a church. Yet, if we lay our agendas down and seek God’s will, we see what only He can do.

We have seen lives both changed and transformed by the gospel, marriages strengthened and saved. We have seen a community that looks to other things to sustain it realize that life is fragile if built upon its present foundation. We constantly get the opportunity to BE GOOD NEWS to a people and a community that is desperately looking for hope.

God is good, right and perfect.

He is Holy and all His ways are right and trustworthy. The God who SEES and KNOWS. The God who POINTS us in the RIGHT DIRECTION. The God who is both MYSTERIOUS and RELATIONAL. He is GLORIOUS, HE is GRACIOUS, He has a PLAN, He is LOVING and GRACEFUL.

I could go on and on about God and the ways that we have come to know Him and see Him at work, but what I hope you know is that it has been transforming! So, as I write this I just want to stop and give God all the praise! He alone is worthy and we thank Him for His faithfulness!

All American Barbecue & Retirement Party

More than 50 people attended our community barbecue on Sunday, July 5. This provided the perfect opportunity to honor Pat Hillegass, a faithful member of Grace Falls, as she retires after 21 years of service with the United Way. Her sister Cathy, sons Warren and Jay, and grandson Andrew, plus many of her friends from the community were in attendance.

The truths of the Gospel were easily highlighted as we applied them to Pat's daily lifestyle.

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Happy Birthday Bartletts

DSC_0512 Today is Gen Bartlett's birthday, Maria will turn 5 on June 11 and Eden will turn 1 on June 24. This is a great opportunity to be reminded to pray for her and Chris and their family as they serve on the mission field.

Chris and Gen Bartlett and their four children have been on the mission field in Niger, West Africa since May and are currently experiencing the hottest part of the year. They share that their typical day starts with three hours of language study. After they complete their studies, they fill up three big buckets and one kiddie pool with water and let the kids cool off.


  • Health- We are so grateful for it–We have had no major health issues so far!
  • Teammates–They have been so supportive and involved in our lives as we adjust and as we continue to learn.
  • Electricity has been better the last few days and we are getting better sleep.
  • The kids are adjusting to the culture, language, and food very well!
  • Eden started walking last month.

Prayer requests:

  • Continued language study and comprehension.
  • For our team here in West Africa, that we would continue to have unity.
  • That we would work where the Father is already working.
  • That we would walk in the Spirit daily to be able to see where the Father is already working.
  • Wisdom on how to be involved in the lives of the people around us, how to help them when they need help and how to share with them.
  • For daily strength to persevere.

The Coffee Club: Where Big Ideas Expresso Themselves

Coffee Club Can I trust the Bible? Is it relevant today? How did we get just 66 books? Why are there so many translations?

These are just a few of the many questions that people ask when it comes to the most read, best selling of all time, most controversial book...the BIBLE.

You might even have asked these questions or others yourself. Well, good news, your not alone.

Come hear the presentation "sweeter than honey, better than gold" by Neal Ledbetter, dean of students at University of Mobile in Alabama.

He has traveled the country sharing this presentation and taking your questions concerning the Bible.

Join the conversation on Friday June 12th at 7pm at the Grace Falls Church building.

The cost is free and for young people and adults.

Childcare is not provided.

Click to see the Facebook event